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IDEC SW1A: Automation Organizer Software Suite - Fox Controls - Downloads and Updates
Please read this important info!!! You are not registered yet. Please click here to register! December 3rd, , PM technolog. Join Date: May I've done a bit of searching, hoping that the software might be available as a free download but had no luck so far.
Is anyone able to confirm that it will work? December 3rd, , PM kvogel. Join Date: Jan Hope this helps at least a little. December 4th, , PM geniusintraining. This thread was brought to my attention, sorry for the delay Yes that software looks correct WinLDR is the software I use, we did lower the price on that cable so its OEM and aftermarket supplies Find More Posts by geniusintraining. December 4th, , PM technolog.
Thanks for that, both. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Please DON'T use it for advertising, etc. Click here now to try it. Lose the extra costs of engineering, installation and maintenance and get right to work!
Software upgrades are always free for registered users. Want to become a WindLDR ladder programming expert? Just come to one of our many training classes scheduled across the country. It is used to create projects or programs that can display information from a PLC, process status, or can be used to input data with virtual switches or keypads to make changes to a process.
The objects are extremely easy to configure with the help of step-by-step navigation. It lets you quickly create colorful graphical screens in no time using drop-down menus and intuitive drag and drop functionality for the objects. A workspace is available to help you organize and manage projects, objects and screens.
Now supporting Windows 7 bit and bit operating system. Create, simulate, test and save your program in just a matter of seconds using drag and drop functions. Choose either function block or ladder programming, but keep in mind that you can always convert from one to the other with just the click of an icon.
Offline program simulation without the need for an actual unit enables testing of the entire program from a PC, or you can test and monitor your IDEC SmartRelay online.
You can create and save your WindLGC program as a.
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